How to preview and review the Toplist before publication
Every Tuesday at 12 CET the preview of the Toplist is ready for your review.
The publisher is responsible for checking if any changes made to the implementation have impacted or broken the measurement, and evaluating if any anomalies detected are due to natural traffic changes or issues with the implementation.
Toplist preview
To preview the Toplist, simply navigate to your Toplist tab and from here to the Media site toplist preview:
From here, you can preview your position on the Toplist as well as the metrics available in the Toplist and evaluate these before publication.
Publisher Review
To review the Toplist, simply navigate to the Toplist tab and from here to the Media review section.
From here you can monitor the weekly changes in the measurement, anomaly detection and overall figures which will hopefully help you when evaluating the measurement of your media entities before the publication.
Should you identify any confirmed or suspected issues, please check the article How to validate or invalidate a media to ensure that no incorrect data is submitted to the public reports.