Why do I see falling buildup reach?
Falling buildup reach can occur rarely. This may happen if there is a narrow target group set and a low sample size. Because we use only panelists seen on the day reached or earlier to determine the profile, this means the share of people reached in your target group can decrease by more than the total reach increases resulting in falling buildup reach in target group.
Why does my trend pageviews not sum to my buildup pageviews?
Trend pageviews can sometimes not sum to the buildup pageviews when there is a target group set. This happens because we use a daily panelist distribution to generate the profile for the trend metrics, while we use a cumulative panelist distribution to generate the profile for the buildup metrics. Because these can be different from each other, the presented numbers do not necessarily match 100%.
Why is the report showing me more than 100% reach in target group?
More than 100% reach in target group can happen for very large sites / collection of sites, and is not an indication of incorrect reach, but rather an indication of an uncertain target group size. Certain target group sizes are not determined by national statistics (such as Eurostat and Statistics Finland), but estimated from our total panel. This gives an inherent uncertainty in the target group size, which can lead to more than 100% reach in target group.
Why are the weekly breakdown numbers for my 2 week report different from the numbers from my 1 week report?
Deduplication of devices to create overall human reach is done using the total profile accumulated across the entire reporting period. This means the total deduplication is different for the two reports. When the deduplication is different, the numbers are going to be different. If there has been no change in reader profile, then the numbers from the 2 week report will be more accurate, because it has accumulated more panelists. However, it assumes the reader profile has not changed from one week to the next. If this is the case, the 1 week report will be more accurate.
Why is my reach higher than my session count?
Sessions and reach are predicted by two completely different methods, and have no correlation to each other. The sessions are calculated based on the share of traffic that is consented and have any kind of identifier (useful loglines). It is then extrapolated to all log lines. If the useful loglines only make up a small percentage of the total log lines, then this extrapolation can become uncertain. Session count is therefore an estimate, and has an uncertainty associated with it. We report the most likely session count for your site, which can be lower than the most likely reach for the same site.
Why have the results in my reports changed from when it was first calculated to when I checked the report again later?
As data is being sent to the system on an on-going basis your report may be calculated if there is an update to the data in your report. If for instances you create a report for 'yesterday' super early in the morning today, the last data from yesterday is sent to our systems early this morning, ingested and processes during the day. The report results may therefore change during the day. In most cases all data will have been received and processed by 12:00 CET the following day.
In cases of data delivery delays or updates your report can in rare cases by re-calculated later.
When is then the best time to check my report?
The longer you wait to check you report results the lower the chance that they may be re-calculated due to an update to the data. If you've created a report of just one day, in most cases all data will have been received and processed by 12:00 CET the following day.
Recommendation: Note that if you are looking for daily results, you will get the daily trend even in reports with longer timespans than one day. And especially for smaller sites, the daily reach in target group will be more accurate in the weekly report, than if you select a single day.
So if you are looking for daily in target group reach on a smaller site, we recommend that you create a report for 'last week' (monday-sunday) during this week to see the daily results of last week. Check the data after 12:00 CET the following day.
If you create or check your report after Tuesdays 12:00 CET, the data from the previous week will have been sent, received and processed in accordance with the Toplist review deadlines - and the chances of a recalculation is low (the exception is if there's a delay in the data delivery from one of the publishers).
Why does the page views on my Section Title not add up to the total page views of my Media Title?
I the FIAM measurement a Media Title is not the sum of its sections. It was a requirement from the publisher community that sections could overlap as one article can practically belong to multiple sections. For instance a news article on Kimi Räikkönens recents success in Formula 1 may belong to both the "News" and the "Sports" sections.
Therefore sections are measured by implementation of specific section trackpoints, and multiple section trackpoints are allowed to be loaded in one pageview. Implementation must of course always be in accordance with the MMF guidelines and principles.
A Section Title (or Media Title Section) is made up of it's section track points, and a Media Title is made up of it's media track points. But a Media Title is never reported as a sum of its Section Titles and therefore the page views are not expected to add up.